Being male and a survivor

Being male and a survivor


My journey to neurodivergent joy

Being a male and a survivor, it’s one of the hardest things you can ever be. People think that as a man you’re strong enough to let it roll of your back and get on with your life. It’s not as easy as this.

When I first disclosed I knew that I would have a fight, fight to be believed, fight to be accepted and fight for the help I need. Yes, I still need help with the depression. With learning how to trust and love again. This is still so hard.

People don’t understand the effect abuse has on a persons life. It destroys hope, it destroys trust. The main effect on me has been to destroy my school life. I used to sit and look in to space wishing my life away.

Even today I feel let down by a system that doesn’t ask the right questions. A…

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New Laws protect children from abuse in Turkey

Turkish Prime Minister Ayşenur Islam has announced new draft laws that should help protect children from sexual abuse and forced marriage.

The laws will include longer sentences for those committing sexual offences against both children and adults, under 18s will be protected from forced marriages and will stay in the education system for a minimum of 12 years.

The bills include a requirement that any perpetrator who commits a sexual crime against a child will also be forced to stay away from that child for the rest of their life.


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Ingrid’s experience of living with PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder

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The Masks of DID and Child Abuse

Our academic website has artwork contributed by a number of different people, including The Mark of Dissociative Identity Disorder by Jeff Song.

Here Jeff explains the meanings of all the difference components in his art, and how it relates to DID.

This artwork is used on the page

A Song of Life: Being DID

So what do you do to deal with shame?

You wear a mask.

For years I wore this:


<- This is what YOU saw.  Calm, collected, cool . . . unemotional . . . untroubled.

But THIS is what was going on INSIDE:

Symbology Explained:

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